Image Copyright: © Jono Lancaster

Jono Lancaster
Author, presenter & public speaker, Jono was born with a visible difference, is an advocate for self love and being a hero in your own life.
In Person
£4000 - £5000
Price based on UK delivery
Virtual Event
£2500 - £3000
Jono is an advocate for self love, surrounding yourself with epic people and being the biggest hero in your own life.
Born with a visible difference in a world obsessed with image and looks, Jono was left in the hospital at birth born. His journey to today has not been straightforward but nothing has stopped him from loving himself, showing his authentic self to the world and filling his life with love and adventure.
Jono will lead Love My Face for Channel 4 later this year, a 4 part series following people with a range of visible facial differences as they seek support, advice and explore transformative treatments to help accept or address their differences.
In is memoir, Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Jono shares his remarkable story, the highs and lows of his journey and how he turned his differences into his greatest strengths.
Jono is co-founder of the Love Me Love My Face Foundation, set up to raise awareness of Treacher Collins Syndrome & Craniofacial Conditions, supporting families and educating individuals & the public.
Jono is a passionate disability campaigner, public speaking to audiences around the world and engaging young people through talks in schools, encouraging all to find their own self-love alongside tolerance, acceptance and kindness.
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Jono Lancaster