Image Copyright: © Shona Hirons

Shona Hirons
Award-winning global resilience and burnout coach and motivational speaker.
In Person
£2500 - £4000
Price based on UK delivery
Virtual Event
£2000 - £3000
There’s no shortage of mental health experts out there, so what makes Shona different to them?
Shona believes it’s her lived experience!
She is often asked, how can one person experience so much trauma and adversity, but still keep going?
To be honest, it wasn’t always easy for Shona and 10 years ago, she was probably the most negative person around, yet she had what some would say was a successful career, nice house, nice car, gorgeous daughter and a wonderful husband, but she was so unhappy. Much of this was because of the things Shona exposed herself to, like the news, the wrong people and negative self-talk. She didn’t have healthy boundaries and had no balance in her life.
What a mini-stroke, heart surgery, burnout, a life-changing accident and cancer has taught Shona, is that we can give up or get up. It has given her the opportunity to slow down and reflect on her why and what’s important.
When Shona was recovering from her accident in 2017, she realised that if that had been her last day on earth, would she have been happy with what she has achieved? Her answer was absolutely not and it was time to take back control of her life.
Shona believes that tough times make tougher people and that’s a choice.
Following her accident, Shona was told there were certain things she would never be able to do again, but she refused to believe that and became very goal-orientated.
Once you start believing in yourself amazing things start to happen and Shona has achieved things she didn’t think were possible.
Despite what she has been through, Shona is more positive and excited about her future than ever and believes she is still here to share her story and inspire others to be their best.
Instead of just sleeping with your dreams, wake up and chase them and see the impossible become possible.
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Shona Hirons