Image Copyright: Image © Jo Wimble-Groves
Jo Wimble-Groves
Jo Wimble-Groves is a motivational speaker and expert in leadership and management, she is also the co-owner of Active Digital, an award winning mobile telecommunications company. Jo specialises in encouraging and motivating women to become more confident in the workplace.
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£2500 - £5000
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£2000 - £3000
As a freelance writer, Jo shares her business and leadership advice with a number of newspapers, websites and magazines including The Guardian, Training Journal and InStyle UK. Jo also writes a popular blog about her experience juggling work commitments and motherhood, which has gained an impressive following within the last 12 months and is a writer for Huffington Post Parents.
As well as speaking at events for clients such as Microsoft, Apple European HQ and Women’s Enterprise Kent, Jo also runs workshops for businesses and schools to inspire confidence in women, helping them to become business leaders or take the leap into entrepreneurship. She draws on her own experience as co-owner of Active Digital, which she has co-owned and operated alongside her brother for twenty years. Jo started the business with her brother at aged just 17, her brother was aged just 21.
Jo won the 2020 Entrepreneur Award at the FDM Everywoman in Technology Awards and is an inspirational speaker on an array of subjects from tech to social media. She specialises in encouraging and motivating women to become more confident in the workplace.
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Jo Wimble-Groves