Image Copyright: © Debra Searle

Debra Searle MBE
Debra Searle MVO MBE is a professional adventurer and serial entrepreneur.
In Person
£8500 - £12000
Price based on UK delivery
Virtual Event
£6500 - £8000
Her expeditions have taken her across the Atlantic, around Antarctica, up to the Arctic Circle and everywhere in between. She has also launched five companies, is a published author, has presented over 40 programmes for the BBC and is a trusted corporate speaker. The movie of Debra’s story of rowing solo across the Atlantic after her husband was rescued is currently in development in Hollywood.
Debra Searle MVO MBE has an extraordinary story! She first hit the headlines when she set out to row across the Atlantic with her husband–a 6’5” international oarsman. Unfortunately, he had to be rescued so Debra, a novice rower, continued alone without a support boat and rowed 3300 miles from Tenerife to Barbados. It should have taken them six weeks, but Debra ended up spending 3½ months at sea alone and unsupported, encountering 30′ waves, sharks, and force 8 squalls in her 23-footplywood boat.
Since returning from this adventure, Debra has undertaken solo and team expeditions across the globe. She has also represented Great Britain at European and World Championship level in Dragon Boat Racing winning bronze, silver and gold medals. Debra has spoken at well over 1100 events around the world, across every industry sector but she is more than your usual sports speaker.
Debra has founded 5 companies including MIX Diversity, a Diversity & Inclusion consultancy, so is able to speak with authenticity about what it takes to succeed in business. She has presented 40 programmes for the BBC and had 3 books published. Her spirit of adventure gained her an MBE from Her Majesty the Queen and she spent 10 years on the board of a charity with two members of the Royal Family, so has great board-level experience to share.
In 2023, a British newspaper listed Debra as one of the World’s Top 50 Inspirational Leaders. Debra has been appointed a Member of the Victorian Order (MVO) for her services to the Royal Family. In 2022, Debra was ranked no.3 in the World’s Top 30 Motivational Speakers, after Simon Sinek at no.1 and Tony Robbins at no.2, making her the highest ranking female motivational speaker in the world.
The movie of Debra’s solo Atlantic row is currently in development in Hollywood.
Debra’s Speech Themes:
- Choose Your Attitude! It’s not magic: it’s mindset.
- Practical tools to stay motivated and build resilience.
- Wellbeing techniques to expand our ability to tolerate the challenges.
- How to keep going when the journey only seems to be getting harder.
- Finding a way to innovate when pushed outside our comfort zones.
- Taking personal ownership as an individual while performing as part of a team.
- Leading through change / Strategies for not just coping but excelling during times of adversity.
- Women In Leadership and how to manage Unconscious/Implicit Bias.
Debra’s Virtual Showreel: https://youtu.be/6EELRlTU-og?si=BLK86Oq100HHjOND
Debra’s TEDx: https://youtu.be/znYbn46Mies?si=OiZEROH_4MngE9v8
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Debra Searle MBE