Image Copyright: © Sarah Cruddas
Sarah Cruddas
Sarah Cruddas is a space journalist, broadcaster and children’s author with an academic background in astrophysics. On television she can be seen on Sky News coving Space News, she also appears on the BBC, ITV, Channel 5 News, Channel 4 News as a guest reporter, as well as an expert on shows on Discovery Channel and National Geographic.
In Person
£4000 - £7000
Price based on UK delivery
Virtual Event
£3000 - £5500
Sarah also works as a consultant for space and new technology companies in the UK and USA. Recent credits have included working with Flirtey the first company fly FAA-approved drone test in the USA and Haydale a graphene solutions provider. This experience puts Sarah in the unique position with an excellent understanding of not only science and technology but how business is translating these ideas into reality.
Sarah Cruddas has extensive experience as an events host and after dinner speaker in the UK, Europe and America. Recent credits include working in the Silicon Valley with NASA, Virgin Galactic and the Space Foundation looking at how business is driving forward space exploration. She has also worked with Red Bull Stratus hosting live shows with Space Diver Felix Baumgartner as well as hosting live shows with British Astronaut Tim Peake and Moon-walker Buzz Aldrin.
Sarah’s special interests include how business can drive forward science and innovation. Other clients have included The European Union, Samsung, Google, The Commercial Graphene Show, AON and RAL Space. She has also worked extensively with schools and universities encouraging women into science technology and away from science, Sarah has a passion for travel and is an experienced foreign reporter. Credits include reporting from Rwanda, Moldova, Transnistria, Tibet, China, North Korea, Australia and various US and Western Europe locations. She works with and supports the charities Hope and Homes for Children and Bobby Charlton’s personal charity Find a Better Way. She is interested in broadcast, corporate presenting and outreach work in space science, technology and engineering.
Sarah Cruddas is a highly sought-after corporate presenter, events host and a captivating speaker. She has also been a STEM (science technology, engineering and mathematics) ambassador since 2009, encouraging children to show interest in science and engineering.
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Sarah Cruddas