Image Copyright: © Reena Patel

René Carayol
René speaks, coaches and mentors with the authority and confidence of the leader who has seen and experienced it all before.
In Person
£20000 - £30000
Price based on UK delivery
Virtual Event
£12000 - £20000
René draws much from his own unique experiences as former Managing Director at IPC Magazines, serving on a variety of boards such as Pepsi and IPC Media, and even leading the largest management buyout in European history.
René has acquired a reputation for providing first-hand advice and support for a series of successful CEOs in the Fortune 500, FTSE 100 and all around the world. Many may claim to have worked at the ‘sharp end’ with CEOs, but in actual fact very few have. He has worked closely with Jim Yong Kim (President, The World Bank), Antony Jenkins (CEO, Barclays Bank), Mario Greco (CEO, Generali) and Maria Ramos (CEO, Absa Bank).
Hardly any can match his sustained track record of success. From sitting in the boardrooms to coaching world leaders, René’s extensive experience in business has provided him with case studies and stories from the frontline. There are exciting adventures, emotional anecdotes, and enough C-suite drama to excite any audience.
René delivers learning wrapped up as unforgettable stories told by a master storyteller. You will want to hear them again and again. René specialises in delivering performances that show precisely how contemporary leaders can electrify a crowd through a passionate and authentic connection.
He demonstrates just how captivating an emotionally intelligent approach can be. He is never about theory – it is all about actions and behaviours that we can adopt that will make us more powerful when we come together.
Everyone remembers how his sessions made them feel. René is an accomplished visiting professor at Cass Business School. His critically acclaimed latest book, ‘Spike – What are you great at?’, enables all of us to unleash our inherent strengths and realise our true potential. As René says, “If you accept your limitations, you go beyond them”.
René’s Keynote Themes:
- Inclusive Leadership
- Business Transformation
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Primary Team
- Collaboration
- Corporate Culture
- Talent
Quick Quote
René Carayol