Image Copyright: © Nahla Summers

Nahla Summers
Nahla Summers is an inspiring and established speaker that takes the audience along with her on some incredible adventures through captivating stories both from research and real life.
In Person
£3500 - £6000
Price based on UK delivery
Virtual Event
£2500 - £4000
Nahla Summers is an established and sought-after speaker. She takes the audience on a journey and delivers a tangible impact long after the talk is over. With a unique and inspiring delivery, everyone will be motivated to make change in the way they think, work and lead. A thought leader, Guinness World Record holder, social change researcher and Cultural change consultant, she has a talk for every audience that will get them up and interacting or simply inspired by her incredible stories. She reframes the complicated challenges of workplaces and life to give the listeners many ‘ah ha’ moments.
She will deliver through stories and personal experience, a talk based on increasing the resilience of theaudience, how to reframe the story of mental health and how when we unite together, we cannot only change our immediate surroundings but the world as a whole. Nahla spent 15 years as a senior leader in some of the leading management firms based all over the world. Then the world she knew fell apart and it was the kindness of a stranger that became a catalyst for picking herself back up.
From here, she started to research the power of kindness, what kindness really was and she discovered that all the values that are umbrellaed in kindness; Gratitude, Empathy, Integrity, Time, Trust, Connection and Courage were in the most part missing from the organisations she had worked within. She was soon to discover that it was this that was at the root cause of the mental health conversation within workplaces. When we focus on kindness and the values within that we can make lasting change to the workplace culture. She went on to write the book A Culture of Kindness and develop the leadership programme and podcast of the same name. Whilst doing this research, she wanted to see what was happening in the world at large and heard hundreds of stories of kindness. She entwines these into her talks to bring them to life and ensure the audience can see the change they can make is simple.
Aside this, she set up Sunshine People CIC to start a conversation in society about kindness. She has been awarded a Point of Light award from the Prime Minister for ‘transforming the concept of sponsorship’. After cycling 3000 miles across America and walking 500 miles from South to North England, she broke a World Record by travelling 5007 miles on a stand-up bike asking people to show their support by simply doing an act of kindness for a stranger rather than sponsor money, raising nearly 250,000 acts of kindness to date. Every year she takes on a new challenge and every year she discovers something new about the power that kindness has on people. These incredible stories from her challenges are weaved in to demonstrate how in fact anyone can build resilience in just a moment.
She has several books – A Culture of Kindness is a powerful theory of how we can bring kindness into the workplace and not only be happier overall but also improve employee wellbeing. Her theory removes stress and anxiety from workplaces, therefore allowing increased productivity and profitable. The Accidental Adventurer shares the journey of doing the challenges she has completed. With a number of inspiring messages running through it that the reader is drawn to as they start to understand that if she can, then they can too.
Why book Nahla?
- Resilience: Nahla’s life story and current work is the very epitome of resilience, something we all desire and has made her an inspirational keynote speaker of choice worldwide
- Storytelling: Nahla has the right mix of research and life stories to keep any audience engaged and leave them with a lasting impression that will provoke positive action
- Inspiration: Nahla is often referred to as inspirational. With such a variety of unique personal and professional achievements you understand why, however it’s also her message and genuineness that shines through that adds to this accolade
Nahla’s talks tend to be bespoke to each client based on the challenges that are within the organisation; providing take-aways for the audience to inspire action. Some outline speeches that she builds from are as follows:
- How to transform your culture through kindness: Culture change starts with every individual, this talk empowers everyone to see how they all play a role in growth for themselves and the organisation through kindness
- A Culture of Kindness is more than bringing in the biscuits: This talk shares the difference between being nice and being kind, it is one of the most popualr talks because it challenges the concept of kindness from something fluffy to something powerful in business
- Remove stress and anxiety through the power of kindness: There is a culture of putting a plaster over the mental health crisis that plagues workplaces, however in this talk Nahla shares why and how it’s all in our hands
- How culture change produces the biggest gains for everyone: This talk explains how and why the gains come about from culture change, what is the culture and how the idea of kindness makes this happen
- Seven ways to grow resilience for everyone: She draws upon her personal experience of achieving World Records by bringing to life how we can all have greater resilience through everyday life activities
- The eight values the most successful leaders possess: This talk is a summary of the work, the stories and the core values that the greatest leaders hold from the research
“If happiness is what we are all seeking then kindness is the action that will get us there.”
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Nahla Summers